Tuesday 7 May 2013

Final Product

Below is a clip under 1 minute long. Like I mentioned, it includes some photos that I didn't include in the blog. I used After effects to make this. I thought of using Afte Effects, because I can create my own movement or transitions the way I want, instead of choosing presets that are available in Premier or Final cut.

Below are a couple examples of images that didn't work.

This didn't work because I wanted to capture the ball flying out of his hand.

This one didn't work, because I captured the image too late. The ball is outside the viewing frame at this point.

With the football throwing and skateboard images, it shows very little to no movement, which makes it look like they are still, but actually moving. Below are a couple of examples.

I enjoyed doing this project. The fact that some of my images didn't work out as planned and some that did, gave it the challenge in this project. Some of the photos were a challenge to fix, and make them look satisfying to me, in terms of color and light. Because some images ha multiple lighting, it took a little time to make it decent looking and presentable for this blog. Overall, I am glad I chose to do this project

Monday 29 April 2013

Things are moving along according to schedule. Last week I took some more photographs, this time focusing on night's traffic. The idea is that I want to show movement and time both during the day and night. I took photos of two directional traffic at night, showing cars moving in oposite directions. I captured the stream of light from the cars, while the roa is in focus. These photographs are good examples of fast moving objects that, because of they are moving and I use a slow shutter speed, it gives the same effect, which blurs the light as it is moving. These fast moving objects are in contrast to slow moving objects, like the woman walking the dog in the park, and other photographs. I am hoping to shoot some other slow moving objects in the next few days.

For the night shots, I went on a sidewalk bridge that is above the freeway. I was located on the end of the bridge, where I would get a shot from the side, so it looks like the road is going diagonal on the viewing area of the photo.

To give that effect, I used a slow shutter speed (from 10-20 seconds), aperture from f/22 - f/29, and the ISO sensitivities of 640, 400, and 320.

Here are some photos (post-produced)

What worked was the effect I was going for, like the stream of lights, and I was satisfied with the view that I was able to get and how it affected the composition.

What didn't work was how difficult it was to be able to fix the white balance. The image had the orange cast. The reason I couldn't fix it completely was because there are two or more different types of lighting, like the street lights and car lights, which were competing with each other.

I will be shooting more photographs, showing movement of other things, which is not yet decided, and by my next post I should have something ready to show all my best pictures, which would contain at least 10 images. At the same time, I am selecting my best images. So that concludes that in my final peice you might be seeing images that i haven't sown before in a slide show, or some sort.

Monday 22 April 2013

This past Weekend, I continued taking more pictures of movement that occurs at different speeds. I am interested in the idea of objects that are passing at different speeds. Some of the images I take show moving objects that are passing through space at various speeds. The moving objects can be seen to be still while the rest of the world is moving. The technique I use is by using a slow shutter speed and take the photo while following the object going across. The reverse can also be achieved where the moving object is blurred out to show it speeding across, while the background is in focus. With this, you also use a slow shutter speed, but you keep the camera still on a tripod (recommended) or anything else that will keep it steady. I used a tripod when taking these photos. I find this technique interesting because the image shows reality being distorted with moving objects appearing to be still and with the static landscape appearing to be in motion. This is how I perceive the notions of movement, space, and time: They are not what it appears to be, but they are dynamic and changeable. I'm thinking that the theme of this project, which is movement and time, can be a metaphor of how we perceive ourselves in space: either as moving objects who are passing through time and we are changing as we are moving through, or as static bystanders who watch the world around us move and as it passes through time while we remain the same.

The ones where I try to have the moving object in focus were done handheld, and the reverse was done on a tripod. Below are some example of both these techniques.
I will start with what didn't work out and then I will show you some that were a success.

 This happened because I was using a shutter speed of 1/10 of a second handheld.

This one was used with a slightly faster shutter speed, at 1/30 of a second.

With this one, I forgot to set the correct white balance.

Now, these are some of the images I consider a success.

Although with this one here, I wish there were more cars going past to be blurred.

I took multiple of these photos. What I wish could happen is cars coming from both directions, which unfortunately didn't happen.

An interesting article I found online was "Capturing Motion Blur in Camera Explained". http://www.lightstalking.com/capturing-motion-blur-in-camera-explained
This article explains the techniques used to capture motion blur and gives examples of these different techniques. One of the examples I found very interesting, and unrelated to my project, is the theme of water flow and how a photograph can make water appear very softened and almost fog-like through the technique of motion blur. The author, Tiffany Mueller, shows a picture of a waterfall and the water appears to be like a cloud wrapped around the rocks. What I like about it is that the picture is distorting reality by making flowing water look like something it is not. This is similar to what I am trying to do with my project, i.e. distorting reality, but different in the subject matter. While the water photograph attempts to show water as a different texture, my project will attempt to show how movement and time (speed) can be reversed with static objects moving and moving objects staying still.

Monday 15 April 2013

For my final project, I have been struggling with ideas and as I mentioned in my previous post, I narrowed down my options to either macro photography or blurred motion. On the weekend I went on a bike ride along the Olentangy River searching for material to shoot with my camera. Since the weather was beautiful, there were many opportunities to photograph the natural landscape including the wild flowers, which are now starting to bloom. I had thought of Spring time as one of the themes to explore in one of my projects. I started taking some pictures of wild flowers that I came across along the river. These shots were taken with my Tamron 60mm f/2 Macro lens mounted on my Nikon D7000. I also started experimenting with blurred motion. I took pictures of the flowing river and of people running and cycling. I'm thinking of a theme involving time and movement focusing on time passing and speed. This is an idea I haven't fully developed, but I like the potential of using movement to capture time.The technique I used for blurred motion is slow shutter speed and a closed aperture to compensate from too much light coming in.

I am going to choose to do the motion blur technique for my project, which, like I previously mentioned, represents time.

Below are examples of some of the photos I have taken so far with macro and blurred motion techniques.

This ia an example of the macro.

With motion blur, this is an example of the kind of photos I have in mind.

One of the things I need to consider for future shots is the use of a tripod for better stability and control, especially for blurred motion.

I welcome any ideas and comments that can help me with my idea.

Monday 8 April 2013

Project 3 - Final Project

For my final project I have a couple of ideas.

One of my ideas is to create images of macro photography. They could be still photographs or macro footage.Images I may do are close up pictures of flowers, eyes, close up of objects, or close ups of parts of objects.The photographs may not be a set category of objects, but can be of any of what I have listed.
My final production will be a set of images put into a video with music in the background.
My slideshow will contain around 15-20 images.

My other idea is long exposure/motion blur. These will be still images.
I am interested in pictures when cars drive at night and you set your shutter speed slow, and that will result in a line of the lights form the cars’ tale lights. Another idea of this choice is blurred movement, where the background is blurred from the movement and the person moving is in focus, or it could be with a car, or a person on a bike or long board or a skateboard.
For the final, I will be selecting my best images that I like most (could be around 15-20 as well).

With the long exposure project, it will represent time in general, as time is what allows movement. The blurring represents movement in images.

For the Macro project, if it's pictures of flowers or leaves, it will represent this season (Spring).

These links show ideas of what photos I might be taking of the two choices.


Long Exposure/Motion Blur:

Below is my schedule of how I am going to organise my time in this project.